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3D Porn Comic "Cell block"

torture, bondage, rape, whip, anal, blowjob, cumshot, cage


None of the girls in the cell block know how she got there. They woke up naked, in the dark, and chained. They also do not know how many days they have been locked up there. They have not seen sunlight at any time.

The only certainty is that several times every day, the lights come on, a horn sounds, and one of the cells opens. Then the chosen girl is savagely raped and tortured.

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comment COMMENTS (2)

user profileandypandy - 12/18/2022

The alternate whippings, psychological torture and rapes are very rewarding! 

user profileKong - 1/26/2023

Only thing I didn't like was not being able to see her tits when on the bench. But a great set.